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Ongoing Trials in Ahmaud Arbery and Kyle Rittenhouse Cases.


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6 minutes ago, auburn41 said:

The fact of the matter is that the Gov of Wisconsin, a Democrat, should have called up the Wisconsin National Guard to insure order after the Blake shooting.  Remember Trump was President at that time and the Democrats thought the protests/riots were a good thing to keep Trump from getting re-elected.  The shootings involving Rittenhouse happened on the third night of protests/riots and if the Guard had been involved there would have been no need for citizens to get involved in protecting businesses.  Something like 20 vehicles had been burned the first two nights at that car lot.  

I find it strange, now that Trump is no longer President, that Gov Evers has mobilized 500 Wisconsin Guard troops to make sure nothing crazy happens after the verdict.  If he had done that after the Jacob Blake shooting, two rioters would still be alive and Gabe G. would not be missing a bicep.

Your characterization that he was waiving around an AR-15 is laughable.  He retreated every chance and only used force when his retreat was blocked or he got knocked to the ground.  It takes an unbelievably stupid human to attack someone with an AR-15 strapped to his chest anyway.  Of course, the people doing the attacking were in that location lighting dumpsters on fire to try and damage the car dealership to begin with so some judgement could be made about their mental faculties from that. 

Evers did activate the Guard prior to the shooting. 

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9 minutes ago, AUDub said:

Evers did activate the Guard prior to the shooting. 

Well #2, you are all-knowing.  I could be wrong but I posted based on media reports such as:


Last summer, Gov. Tony Evers deployed National Guard troops to the city following a violent night of protests during which Kyle Rittenhouse shot three people, killing two of them. 

Often the media is wrong (Russia for instance).  If I am wrong, it is because of them!

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19 minutes ago, AUDub said:

Evers did activate the Guard prior to the shooting. 

Yes he did, 125 troops and doubled that after the Rittenhouse shooting.  Lessons learned and now its 500 troops.

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What the **** is channel 3000? 



The shooting drew condemnation from Democratic Gov. Tony Evers, who also called out 125 members of the National Guard on Monday after protesters set cars on fire, smashed windows and clashed with officers in riot gear the previous night.

He activated the Guard on the 24th over the objections of the ACLU. The shooting took place the following day. 

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14 minutes ago, AUDub said:

What the **** is channel 3000? 



The shooting drew condemnation from Democratic Gov. Tony Evers, who also called out 125 members of the National Guard on Monday after protesters set cars on fire, smashed windows and clashed with officers in riot gear the previous night.

He activated the Guard on the 24th over the objections of the ACLU. The shooting took place the following day. 

You are correct.  I just found this.  The 125 troops were part of a "Limited Mobilization" that supported infrastructure, such as utilities and fire stations.........


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Republicans are all blowing their loads right now over the not guilty verdict. 

Gatz, Gosar, and Hawthorn have all said they'll offer Kyle Rittenhouse congressional internships in their offices, because apparently being an idiot and shooting 3 people is what makes a person qualified to get their foot in the door in the GOP. 

Madison Cawthorn just posted a video where he said we have a right to defend ourselves and told his followers to "Be armed and be dangerous"  


Anyway, Good thing the right isn't turning Kyle into a hero or glorifying this event...that'd be disturbing. 

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1 minute ago, CoffeeTiger said:

  Anyway, Good thing the right isn't turning Kyle into a hero or glorifying this event...that'd be disturbing. 

Yep. As I said, a hard sell.

Hope he goes to therapy rather than these asshats. 

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This is truly a great day for all Americans. I don't recall seeing a more clear cut case of Self Defense in my life. The fact that he was even brought up on charges is shameful and was just to appease a mob, but the jurors did the right thing. 

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On 11/16/2021 at 10:41 AM, CoffeeTiger said:

Because the purpose IS to hunt down humans if/when the situation calls for it. 


That's disingenuous BS. I would say this case eing discussed is a prime example of why people SHOULD own AR-15s and is the exact reason I have them. KR was attacked by 3 different people. What if 3 more had joined in. Why does anyone need 30 rounds? Because your life could depend on it and if you get into a jam where 29 isn't enough you will thank God you have 30. 

Most people that are against AR 15s and AR patterned rifles have developed that opinion on ignorance and a false narrative spewed by MS media for the last decade plus. I have more respect for people who are against all guns than people against ARs because at least I can understand the logic of people who are completely anti-gun (as far as that logic can be seen anyway). 

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1 hour ago, CoffeeTiger said:

Republicans are all blowing their loads right now over the not guilty verdict

It’s not just Republicans, here’s a prominent Democrat twitting, of course, he has a different view.



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4 hours ago, AUDub said:

I think the jury got it right by law.

I have 2 concerns though. 

1. There are a lot of absolute idiots out there that do not understand the nuances of self-defense and the how and why of this verdict. Afraid this could encourage more people to think vigilantism is OK.

2. I hope Rittenhouse does not get sucked into the seductive alt-right community that is making a hard sell for him right now. 

So I agree we don't need people thinking vigilantism is ok, but no reasonable person should gather that from this case. KR didn't act like a vigilante...he defended himself which he had every right to do. 

3 hours ago, AU9377 said:

I agree completely.  Everyone needs to keep in mind that the fact that the state didn't prove its case does not mean that doing the things that Rittenhouse did makes him some kind of hero.  He had no business being there waiving around an AR-15.  That is not what we want to normalize as acceptable behavior any more than setting cars on fire and looting businesses in the name of protesting.  We cannot accept violence from any side of a debate.

Being a vigilante will result in that person forfeiting the remainder of their lives in most circumstances. If this jury had believed that he was being a vigilante, they would have convicted him today.

I don't get this "he had no right to be there" that I keep seeing. He had every right to be there. He wasn't there seeking trouble. Just the opposite. He wouldn't have had to be there if not for the thousands of Rioters and looters burning down businesses and the city. 

Nothing he did was concurrent with actions of a vigilante.  He didn't do anything wrong. 

He didn't point his gun at people that weren't attacking him. He maintained AMAZING muzzle and trigger control. 

What I hope is taken from this case is that all the rioting mob will realize maybe that they can't just do what they want without consequences. If you attack someone you may be shot and killed. 

I don't think Kyle is a hero, but I think he is an innocent young man that did nothing wrong and now will have to live with this dramatic experience for the rest of his life so I will be praying for him there. I will also pray for the families of the deceased. 

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1 minute ago, Tigerpro2a said:

Why does anyone need 30 rounds? Because your life could depend on it and if you get into a jam where 29 isn't enough you will thank God you have 30. 

I'll take "Comments you'd hear in both a war-torn African failed state, and a typical U.S. neighborhood" for 200 Alex



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12 minutes ago, Tigerpro2a said:

So I agree we don't need people thinking vigilantism is ok, but no reasonable person should gather that from this case. KR didn't act like a vigilante...he defended himself which he had every right to do. 

A reasonable person wouldn't.

How many unreasonable people do you know? 

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21 minutes ago, I_M4_AU said:

It’s not just Republicans, here’s a prominent Democrat twitting, of course, he has a different view.



They have to push their narrative, got to make it sound like he drove 8 hours to cross state lines to be there. Nevermind the fact he was already in Kenosha and only like 15-20 minutes from home. 

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The state lines argument is one of the stupidest being hammered for me. Rittenhouse had less of a drive and deeper ties to the community than any of the people he shot. 

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10 minutes ago, Tigerpro2a said:

Good point....there were thousands burning building the night this started. 

And there was a 17 year old kid LARPing Call of Duty there too.

Nobody was smart here. 

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3 minutes ago, AUDub said:

The state lines argument is one of the stupidest being hammered for me. Rittenhouse had less of a drive and deeper ties to the community than any of the people he shot. 


1 minute ago, AUDub said:

And there was a 17 year old kid LARPing Call of Duty there too.

Nobody was smart here. 

I think I am chatting with a real Jekyll and Hyde here lol. You make one really good post (top) followed by one really awful post (bottom Bold).

That is completely false. Tell me what you think Kyle did wrong? Not what went wrong, but what he did wrong?  He was asked to come help. There was a very large violent mob out. Why would one not choose to arm yourself if you have been seeing the violent mob? 

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1 minute ago, Tigerpro2a said:


I think I am chatting with a real Jekyll and Hyde here lol. You make one really good post (top) followed by one really awful post (bottom Bold).

That is completely false. Tell me what you think Kyle did wrong? Not what went wrong, but what he did wrong?  He was asked to come help. There was a very large violent mob out. Why would one not choose to arm yourself if you have been seeing the violent mob? 

I don't think he did anything legally wrong. Morally, arguably, but as I said back on page 1 "THE LAW IS NOT ETHICS."

17 year old kids should not be standing guard with deadly weapons smack dab in the middle of a maelstrom of idiots doing stupid s***. 

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4 minutes ago, AUDub said:

I don't think he did anything legally wrong. Morally, arguably, but as I said back on page 1 "THE LAW IS NOT ETHICS."

17 year old kids should not be standing guard with deadly weapons smack dab in the middle of a maelstrom of idiots doing stupid s***. 

I am not just speaking "legally wrong". What do you feel he did Morally wrong or ethically wrong? 

What's difference in a 17 year old with a rifle in a riot in Kenosha vs a 17 year old serving our country and fighting Taliban in Afghanistan?

edit- I know I made the joke about Jekyll and Hide, but I am being sincere. No hostility or facetiousness here. Literally seeking your genuine opinion on what you think he did wrong. Also, why do you and many others feel he had no right to be there?

I honestly blame the mainstream media for this entire event.

Edited by Tigerpro2a
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13 minutes ago, Tigerpro2a said:

I am not just speaking "legally wrong". What do you feel he did Morally wrong or ethically wrong? 

It's not all on him. I think he's a kid who had visions of being a hero and lacked understanding of the reality of what he was taking on, compounded by the fact that he was surrounded by adults that encouraged reckless choices. This whole debacle is the result of issues that are bigger than his individual choices.



What's difference in a 17 year old with a rifle in a riot in Kenosha vs a 17 year old serving our country and fighting Taliban in Afghanistan

Guidance. A bare minimum level of training, at least.

I would hope 17 year olds aren't seeing combat though.


Also, why do you and many others feel he had no right to be there?

I think he had as much of a right to be there as everyone else. 

But it wasn't wise to be.


I honestly blame the mainstream media for this entire event.

They definitely did not cover themselves in glory here. 

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1 minute ago, AUDub said:

It's not all on him. I think he's a kid who had visions of being a hero and lacked understanding of the reality of what he was taking on, compounded by the fact that he was surrounded by adults that encouraged reckless choices. This whole debacle is the result of issues that are bigger than his individual choices.


Guidance. A bare minimum level of training, at least.

I would hope 17 year olds aren't seeing combat though.

I think he had as much of a right to be there as everyone else. 

But it wasn't wise to be.

They definitely did not cover themselves in glory here. 

Not all on him? The kid did nothing wrong Not a single thing. He went there to help protect a business and give medical assistance. 

As for the "bare minimum amount of training" again, I don't know many grown men who could have shown more control in that situation. The kid was chased down and attacked and he waited until he couldn't wait longer and then shot. I mean the guy that pulled the Glock on him....my lord...hands up he didnt shoot and then a gun pointed at him and he shoots. These are decisions being made in split second with Adrenaline pumping. He didn't hit anyone with a stray round. He didn't fire excessively. I don't know what kind of training he has with firearms or in intense situations, but I don't know that years of training could have prepared him to handle it much better than he did given all circumstances. 

The media caused this all with spewing their bs narrative to the point that drove people into the streets rioting. They have lied about this case and the facts from day one labeling him as a vigilante, a white supremacist, and that he went to "hunt down" people and so many more. They are doing the same RIGHT NOW. 

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4 minutes ago, DKW 86 said:

End of the Day: KR should not have been there.

The Police should have been there, in force.

CNN panned for on-air graphic reading 'fiery but mostly peaceful protest'  in front of Kenosha fire | Fox News

The same police that the rioters were screaming to defund? On that I will actually agree. Police should have had this under control and Kyle wouldn't have had to be there. 

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I doubt he thought he was being a hero. He and others were asked to help guard a car dealership, should he had declined to help? Maybe, maybe not. He obviously thought he was doing the right thing to try to help protect people’s property. People keep trying to say a kid should not have been there, he was 17. I’m sure he would have made the same decision if he would have already been 18. He’ll in the eyes of the law he was already an adult. 

The greater issue is the fact that we have so many people that are just fine with people going out and blatantly rioting, looting and destroying other people’s property. If the riots weren’t happening and the ones he shot weren’t there in the first place coming at him then obviously this would not have happened. The fact that this has become so politicized does nothing but make things worse. The way the media has acted throughout all this is exactly why sane people realize you cannot trust any of them. 


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